
Basic English Speaking Course Online

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iPromise offers the best english speaking course online that is affordable and full of satisfaction for students.
A) She threw the rock through the window
B) She through the rock threw the window
  • Two words in the above sentences have similar pronunciation, but two different meanings. So which one is correct?
  • If you chose A, well done.
  • If you chose B, don’t despair. This is just one of the many reasons that make English a very frustrating language to learn.
  • English is filled with so many similar irregularities, paradoxes and nuances that often make new learners want to give up.
What we can do for you
  • The Basic English speaking course can teach you an enhanced understanding of the English language.
  • It’s a step ahead of the foundation course. Once you’ve got your fundamentals in place, you’re ready for the next level.
  • Through interactive learning, role playing and other interesting learning techniques, you’ll be qualified to sail through any English-speaking conversation.
english speaking course online
Are you ready to learn?
  • If you’ve finished our foundation English course, then this is where you need to be.
  • This course offers you added skills that help demonstrate your fluency in English. We offer this program to students, young adults, homemakers, professionals and executives who can stand to benefit from learning English.
  • Anyone who understands that learning English offers you an edge for getting ahead in life.
  • All you need is to dedicate three to six months of your time.
What our learners
have to say..
Fortifying the confidence in the way you communicate
If this course seems too advanced, try our specially formulated Foundation English Course
  • Foundation English course is an introductory course that is helpful for those who are new to English as a language.
  • It is a framework upon which the entire structure of the language rests.
  • It covers the fundamentals of the course through full time training efforts with our experienced and qualified trainers, using relevant course material – paper based and electronic.